On my way to school one morning, i saw this fog coming off the Moira river, drove past, then turned around and took some photos. As I was already running slightly late, I did not get the exact shot I was looking for. I would have liked a person in the bottom left of the frame in the first shot, but after waiting about 20 mins, i conceded and went to class.
Belleville received a record 30cm's of snow on March 8. Families and friends headed to the hill for some tobogganing after digging their cars out and shoveling their driveways.
As part of a staff-class assignment we had to find an interesting pet and owner. I was able to meet Glenda Brennan and her dog mickey. Glenda Brenna and her dog really are a team. Mickey is the eye and Glenda is the ears. Brennan suffers from Macular degenerative eye disease, while her 11-year-old Springer Spaniel is almost completely deaf. “He’s really great company you know. Once Ken passed away he’s never left my side” said Brennan. This is a really good story and I will be going back to do a multi-media video piece on the pair.
The Cancer Project began in 1990 and since has developed into a collection of over 1,000 Canadian photographers work. Ken Brennan was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in Sept. 2003 and passed away Feb. 25 2004. Brennan never drank or smoked recalls younger sister Shirley Milligan. Printed exhibitions will be in City Hall in major Canadian cities beginning May 15, 2008.
Jackie Armour, currently residing in Whistler B.C. carves her 600cc sled up Sproat Mountain, in the Callahan Valley. The lower part of the valley will play host the Nordic, aerial, and ski jumping events in the 2010 Olympic Games.
The Showcase Showdown Pipe-style really gave riders a chance to showcase their freestyle abilities. With a $10,000 first prize, this event brought all the biggest riders to Whistler. The course featured a massive hip to start, a halfpipe section, a C-box then your choice of rail/box to finish the run. Local rider, and Olympic team member Crispin Lipscomb (last photo) took top spot, with back to back 720's and a couple of clean, not-so-stylish, jibs to finish his run.